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The KE7 VCF is made up of a bunch of dedicated Christians eager to place the Lord first in all that we do.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ." Romans 3:17 (NIV)

Daily Bible Verse

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

This is an excellent post to read.

'On God's earth, there are two types of people. Givers and Takers. Givers will give even when they're poor, and the good Lord will often mysteriously place things into their hands, that they may continue giving. Takers, on the other hand, will keep taking, no matter how much wealth they've amassed. You just have to decide which one you want to be. In today's world, many wealthy people have a bad habit of taking, taking, taking, and from people who are poorer than them.'

U-Liang at 12:02 AM

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Intellectual disgrace
Stares from every human race,
And the seas of pity lie
Locked and frozen in each eye

Follow, poet, follow right
To the bottom of the night
With your unconstraining voice
Still persuade us to rejoice

With the farmyard of a verse,
Make a vineyear of the curse,
Sing of human unsucess
In a rapture of distress

In the deserts of the heart,
Let the healing fountain start
In the prison of his days
Teach the free man how to praise"

Short extract from Wordsworth's The Table Turned

I vowed to make loving people part of my motto of 2006 and I realise loving people is hard especially when sometimes things get emotionally draining and that is when you have to detach yourself a bit so you don't get so sucked up that you lose your passion and drive for life. 2006 has been a beautiful year thus far. Learning not to be so uptight with things, taking things as it comes and learning when its time to step back and say there is only so much I can do.

I'm rediscovering little mysteries, little miracles and little blessings and little guiding thoughts as I preciously flip open my brown little bible every night. In the words of a Cole Porter song performed by Ella Fitzgerald that has been ringing in my head of late, "Let's do it, Let's fall in love". Of course, I don't mean it literally here, but just to fall in love with little things. Things like a neighbour's hello, a little gesture of rememberance, a little word to say you care. In rediscovering the mundane, I think I might be rediscovering life, i hope. :)

** Edit: In my state of sleepiness, this blog entry came to exist on a Ke7 webbie as I mistakenly clicked on the wrong tab. This was meant to go onto my own blog, but since I realised I made a mistake- I figured I'll jus leave this post here so that it will "de-intellectualise" the look of this blog, making it more personal. :)

a tinge of faith at 9:49 AM

Saturday, January 14, 2006

ireneQ • unravelled: Wake-up call: "'You need to have faith in the person of Jesus Christ, not in your expectations of Him,' said Pastor Lee Choo. 'Faith is not a matter of getting what you expect; it is God walking with you.'"

Found this so true to our Christian life. Follow the link for the whole blog post.

U-Liang at 12:11 AM

Friday, January 13, 2006

How the Kingdom Comes - Christianity Today Magazine
Too often, of course, the contemporary church simply mirrors the culture. Increasingly, we are less a holy city drawn together around Christ and more a part of the suburban sprawl that celebrates individual autonomy, choice, entertainment, and pragmatic efficiency. These are values that can build highways and commerce, but they cannot sustain significant bonds across cultural divides and between generations. Capitulating to niche demographics and marketing, churches that once nurtured the young, middle-aged, and elderly together, with all of the indispensable gifts that each one brings to the body of Christ, often now contribute to the rending of this intergenerational fabric. If this is a worrisome trend in the social sphere, it is all the more troubling for a body that is constituted by its Lord as a covenantal community.

U-Liang at 8:16 AM

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